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Lord Shield 07-12-2001 02:52 PM


Originally posted by Nanobyte:
OOC: Sorry, Sky, but he has already set off for Evermeet.
IC: Rhazor backtracks to the town which they had previously visited, there he looks for a Mage that can teleport him to his hometown of Evermeet. He searches for what seems hours, but has no success. Instead, he takes the next caravan leaving for Evermeet.

OOC: We're on a different planet to th Forgotten Realms. You will need to return to the bar ad get Fortuna or Lord Shield to transport you there

Nanobyte 07-12-2001 03:02 PM

OOC: Hmm, this will be a tad bit difficult then.. I guess you can say he tries to find a caravan that passes by the bar then?

Wah 07-12-2001 03:49 PM

If there was a raven or crow birdie that EVER put Wah off - it's a vain one.

So he blasts a lightning bolt upon it's black breast and watch as a small explosion appears to reveal snow-like feathers fluttering down.

Wah notices a crisp object amongst the scattered feathers and begins to sit down in peace - to enjoy his luxury of a crow drumstick.

That is.....until someone was not amused. He was very, very angry indeed.


Lord Shield 07-12-2001 04:42 PM

Wah gets that last comment from Understatements-R-us

The chubby mage Yaztromo is furious at the death of his familiar, and calls down a rain of daggers over the entire party, followed by teleporting off (he's not daft)

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

Skydracgrrl 07-12-2001 05:49 PM

Skye shakes off the effects of her concussion, just in time to notice daggers seemingly raining from the sky. She yelps, then runs and hides under the boat, with many other people in hot persuit.


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
My Website!

Tancred 07-12-2001 05:51 PM

"Darkwood Forest. My mother told me tales of this place when I was young, though I thought it was nothing but a story. Goblins and giants and shape-shifters, cruel fire demons and strange undead. And - and underneath it all..."
The young Cavalier breaks off, giving Viconia a nervous sidelong glance.
There is a sudden lightningbolt, and a peal of self-satisfied laughter from somewhere up ahead. Tancred and the rest of the party barely have time to look around when knives begin to fall from the sky; centred around Arch Lich Wah, in particular, but widespread enough to cause havoc to all.
The Cavalier draws sword, trying to bat knives out of the way before they reach him, but with limited success. Some bounce off his plate armour, but one gives him a nasty gash across the forehead as he runs towards the beleaguered arch Lich.
Wah is busy defending himself, but the remains of a small bird are strewn about the grass. Tancred curses, and begins the incantation of Raise Dead... hoping against hope it works on little crows.

OOC: I've adopted the term 'the Cavalier' to denote Tancred, as 'The Paladin' is also currently in use by Grinch...

Lord Shield 07-12-2001 06:31 PM

The Daggers finish (they are like Ice Storm in ability, but edged weapon damage)eventually. The crow comes round again ,fatigued but alive again

The mage comes out of the tower, looking sternly at the paladin. "You WALK with the undead abomination? Just what the HELL do you people think you're doing?"

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

Grinch 07-12-2001 06:36 PM

ooc: technically my Paladin is an Undead Hunter that usually goes by the name of 'Ash'. I suppose for the sake of making it easier I can start referring to him by those terms. I hate to ask this question here,but I am considering writing some fan fiction, do we have a forum for this?

IC: Ash the Undead Hunter, lies beneath the boat mournfully listening to daggers thunking into the burned wood.He makes a quick search through his backpack,finding the shield of Harmony,Mace of Disruption +2,a gem bag with some rogue stones,and the Pixie Prick +3. He turns to look at Skye.
"Mayhaps elf,we might apply the pixie prick to thee and thereafter,whilst thee slumber remove the offensive brooch with mine sword?" He hefts the massive Holy Avenger,Skye's eyes bulge and she scrambles away to put several people between her and Ash.
"'Twas merely a passing thought." The hail of daggers abruptly ceases and he pulls himself from beneath the boat,stretches and makes a futile attempt to wipe the mud from his armor. Giving it up as a bad job he strolls towards the tower door.


Lord Shield 07-12-2001 06:58 PM

Lord Raptor is hiding in case the crow 'fingers' him. Wah stands resolute bt at a respectable distance from the mage

Quite a few paladins here btw - Sky is carried to the mage ad he i sindicated to the brooch. "Pfah! Simple parasite brooch" - he pops i the tower and comes back out, sprinkling some powder on the brooch, which gos grey and drops off, now harmless

"ow you maniacs an bugger off or have you not finished yet?"

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

Tancred 07-12-2001 07:02 PM

Tancred fairly seems to grow in size, his sheer prescence dwarfing all around him. Holy light seems to glow around him, and he speaks with a voice of thunder, full of purpose and power. None could doubt, upon seeing this man, that he was a Hero.
"I am Tancred, a warrior from distant Lands! I seek Tundjuk the Red, a great Wyrm of hereabouts, that I might slay him! And I seek the wizard, Yaztromo, whose might is spoken of for many leagues around, and beseech him for aid. Would you be that puissant master of the magic arts?"
After this booming and heroic pronouncement, he turns to the company, with a childish grin on his face.
"Always wanted to say something like that."
He turns back to await the Wizard's reply.

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