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Yorick 05-23-2002 09:41 AM


Originally posted by MagiK:
Singapore is a very safe, clean and wonderful city, but the residents are paying a pretty hefty fee in the lack of freedoms and government oversight of their lives not to mention the cameras that seem ubiquitous. There was a really interesting documentary on the Learning channel awhile ago about the place. I think it was when that american kid was sentenced to being caned.
"A hefty fee" is a load of tripe MagiK. Try living there for four months and then say that. I'm from the "free" west, and am a "freedom needing" artist, yet never once felt a lack of freedom.

Lift cameras in New York City feel more invasive than any Singaporean cameras.

Additionally, what's wrong with the caning? When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The law there is "don't graffiti or you get caned". The idiot graffitied. What was going to happen? Special treatment? Exemption for the American rich kid?

What about the Asian that comes to America? You expect him/her to obey your road rules don't you? Don't you scream abuse if they are not up to standard?

When in Rome....

Singapore is without doubt the safest city I have visited. It doesn't have the drug problems Australia for example has, doesn't have the "blackened gum pollution" New York streets have (nor gum sabotaged railways) and has no graffiti.

Considering it was them against the world when they got kicked out of Malaysia, I think Singapore have done exceptionally well for themselves, and have a right to decide what they value in their society and what they don't.

[ 05-23-2002, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Yorick ]

Donut 05-23-2002 09:46 AM


Originally posted by MagiK:
... In person It wouldn't have been a thinly veiled anything.

I'm not sure what this means. Are you threatening me?

Yorick 05-23-2002 09:48 AM


Originally posted by MagiK:

At least Sir T. didn't go right to the NRA and get his statistics..... :rolleyes:

No. But he did post incorrect statistics about my country.

Sorry Sir Tainly, violent crime went DOWN after the gun control. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Post Donut edit:


Certainly sorry Sir Taliesin!

[ 05-23-2002, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Yorick ]

Yorick 05-23-2002 09:51 AM


Originally posted by Donut:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MagiK:
... In person It wouldn't have been a thinly veiled anything.

I'm not sure what this means. Are you threatening me?</font>[/QUOTE]uh oh...

Donut 05-23-2002 09:54 AM


Originally posted by Yorick:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MagiK:

At least Sir T. didn't go right to the NRA and get his statistics..... :rolleyes:

No. But he did post incorrect statistics about my country.

Sorry Sir Tainly, violent crime went DOWN after the gun control. [img]smile.gif[/img]
</font>[/QUOTE]Pssst, Yorick. That's the wrong Sir T. ;)

Yorick 05-23-2002 10:01 AM


Originally posted by Morgan_Corbesant:
i see flag burners as idiots. first off, if you hate America so much as to burn its flag, then you give up your rights as an American, thus freedom of speach is out the window. flag burners need to be shot, locked up, or sent to a country that doesnt have freedoms like America has, so they can see what they are taking for granted. these people only want attention, so they can be "heard" i say to hell with that, if you live here, then you dont burn the flag. if you live elsewhere and do it, then you are just jealous of the freedoms that America has to offer. that is just my opinion however.
What if you're a patriotic American filmaker, who wants to make a film about what motivates a flag burner?

MagiK 05-23-2002 10:02 AM

I never threaten any one. I do promise, and on occasion even speculate but never threaten.

Sir Kenyth 05-23-2002 10:03 AM


Originally posted by the new JR Jansen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir Heinrich Godfrie IV:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Posted By: JR Jansen
The difference being that the US has more serious crimes, aka armed robberies, murders. etc. Why ? Because it's easier for untrained people to get a gun. Not just a gun, but one that packs power. Again why do you need an SMG when a pistol will suffice ?

who said anything about arming yourself with a sub-machine gun?

and it's not about untrained people getting a gun and maybe using it. it's about criminals HAVING a gun, and you don't. thats all i'm trying to say.
</font>[/QUOTE]The point is that owning an SMG is overkill. It is legal in certain states of the US to own it. Again, i don't have anything against responsible people owning a pistol or rifle but an SMG IS overkill.
It's all about untrained, and even worse, unbalanced people owning a gun. That's why so many people get shot over, well, nothing, if you think about it. If the criminal has a gun and you don't, i agree that, to put it mildly, you are at a disadvantage. But it's rather easy for untrained and unstable people to get one legally. The threat doesn't lie solely with the criminals. If you allow such a free selling of guns, overpowered guns to people who aren't carefull enough with them or are not totally balanced, you're going to get 'accidents'. Why do you need a very powerfull gun to protect yourself when a normal pistol will do ? This is my point. Again i do not have anything against trained and balanced people owning a gun but why does it have to be a powerfull one ?
</font>[/QUOTE]Machine guns and military class weapons are VERY expensive and VERY strictly controlled. They are primarily only carried by organizations that maintain military historical items, or people who are involved in high security or the manufacture and transport of said items. You can't simply go and purchase a SMG as a normal citizen just because you want one. The licensing procedures for this are quite expensive and stringent also.

Yorick 05-23-2002 10:10 AM


Originally posted by MagiK:
I never threaten any one. I do promise, and on occasion even speculate but never threaten.

"I do promise" sounds like a threat. I'd be careful here mate. This is thin ice you're treading on.

What are you saying?

Yorick 05-23-2002 10:20 AM


Originally posted by Dramnek_Ulk:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MagiK:
In 1999 Law enforcement agnecies from accross the USA declined to back a bill to further restrict handguns and firearms rights of citizens. Instead they proposed that current laws be enforced and harsh punishments be meted out. In the 1990's prsecution of firearms violations declined 97%, police arrested the criminals but the Justice department declined to prosecute.

To fix the current problems, enforce the current laws, with stiff penalties, do not punish those who do not break the keep ignoring the fact Dram, that the vast majority of gun owners never did anything why target them?

Straw man, </font>[/QUOTE]Dramnek, on this rare occasion I actually agree with your P.O.V. I am against guns, and believe in restricting my freedom to own one so that others are safer.

I reject the statement guns don't kill people, people kill people, for a few reasons.

1.Guns can go off by accident and kill.
2.The gun serves no other purpose than to end life. It is a tool of death. Two humans on the other hand, can create life.
3.A child can kill 6 -10 adults with a gun, and without would not even kill one.

HOWEVER, and this is why I'm replying to you, using "Straw Man" as a parrotlike reply to someones argument, is not only deaf, insulting, name calling and cause diminishing, it is also trollishly antagonising.

Give it a rest mate.

[ 05-23-2002, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Yorick ]

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