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Cloudbringer 05-10-2002 07:37 AM

Good Morning everyone!

Dizzy,that's terrific! :D Well,I assume she didn't scream and run from the room, right? ;)

Howdy Azred, Aviendha, Epona,Downunda, Glorfy! Hey Cyril, how's life treating you?

It's Friday here! Whoohooo! And on that note, I must trudge off to work, where I expect to be the only one to show up today. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[ 05-10-2002, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Cloudbringer ]

uss 05-10-2002 07:42 AM

heya, everybody :D :D :D i feel like im the happiest person alive :D [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img] :D
*dancing all over his room for 2 hours*
yeah!!! anyway, i just went for a little visit to the shop.. i went on a shopping spree!
i bought Icewind Dale!!! then Icewind Dale: Heart Of Winter!!! Then MORROWIND!!! WOHOO! [img]smile.gif[/img] :D And its FRIDAY after school!!! yeah, ive got alot of playing to do ;) .

Glorfindel 05-10-2002 08:00 AM

<font color="lawngreen" face="trebuchet MS"> Hullo Cloudylocks [img]graemlins/happywave.gif[/img] and it will be nice to see you again in a few months Uss once you;ve finished all of them [img]smile.gif[/img] </font>

lroyo 05-10-2002 08:26 AM

Good morning everyone, even though it's 10.30 at night here in OZ!

I am jealous Uss. I love the feeling of buying a new game, ripping off the plastic, installing it, and then creating characters. So much excitement.

I promised myself I wouldn't buy another game until I finished my current game of BG2. I'm up to the ToB part, but I guess Morrowind will have to wait. Not that I've seen it anywhere in Australia yet.

Anyway, good morning Cloudy. Welcome back to your own cafe. There's some pretty ridiculous stuff going on in the spamming thread. I think I'll just leave it alone now!


Epona 05-10-2002 08:31 AM


Originally posted by Aviendha:
Azred, that it simply wonderful! I have no idea what you are talking about, but it sure does taste good!

How do you know all this stuff anyway??

Turkish coffee is great! Strong, sweet, black, comes in a small cup which has all the coffee grounds in the bottom - you have to let it settle before you drink it. Of course the Greeks have it too, but they call it Greek coffee. And the Egyptians do Egyptian coffee which is the same but with cardamom seeds in it for flavor! Yum!

lroyo 05-10-2002 08:38 AM

Hi Epona. I'm sure your rank must have gone up a fair bit today! :D

Was there a Black Isle game based around coffee and its variations? If there was, I must have missed it!

Bahamut 05-10-2002 09:15 AM

Hi all!!!

Well my barb is not so shaking his boots in Hell... coz he got uber equippys!!! He has like a Raven Frost on one finger and Dwarf Star on the other, then he just got a Cruel Colossus Blade.. of Firebolts... too bad, and the Enhanced Damage is lame like 221% (Cruel can reach 300%)... and too bad it's firebolts not Quickness... bah at least I got one... and now my barb's left hand is doing 600+-1400+ damage... pretty good... but not quite :(

Well congrats dizzy! hope its mutual! ;) if not, then in two months probably :D

Cloudbringer 05-10-2002 10:02 AM

Hey Aviendha! Yes, that thread has gone all over the place! LOL But I think it's back on spam-track now! [img]smile.gif[/img]

uss, new games! OOOOOH! Now that IS exciting! I had a great time playing IWD/HoW. Check out the Black Isle page for places to dl the Trials of the Luremaster add-on (it's free!) It really adds to the HoW part of the game!

Epona! Cardamon? In coffee? I've had it in breads and other food but it sounds pretty exotic in coffee!

Epona 05-10-2002 10:05 AM


Originally posted by Aviendha:
Hi Epona. I'm sure your rank must have gone up a fair bit today! :D

Was there a Black Isle game based around coffee and its variations? If there was, I must have missed it!

Oh bollocks, I quoted the wrong post, didn't I? [img]graemlins/biglaugh.gif[/img]

Mmmmm well I don't care much about ranks really, but I think I'm on my 5th or 6th rank this week - I think last Friday I was a Gold Dragon, now I'm a Dracolich. Dunno how that happened LOL.

[ 05-10-2002, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: Epona ]

uss 05-10-2002 11:01 AM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Hey Aviendha! Yes, that thread has gone all over the place! LOL But I think it's back on spam-track now! [img]smile.gif[/img]

uss, new games! OOOOOH! Now that IS exciting! I had a great time playing IWD/HoW. Check out the Black Isle page for places to dl the Trials of the Luremaster add-on (it's free!) It really adds to the HoW part of the game!

Epona! Cardamon? In coffee? I've had it in breads and other food but it sounds pretty exotic in coffee!

thanks, cloudy [img]smile.gif[/img] !
ill do that :D .
ok, you might wanna know why im back so early. its because i just tried the thing i was more interested in - Morrowind. im a bit dissapointed so far. its sooo SLOW!! i`ve got 700 mhz and it still is very slow after i put minimal resolution. The way you have to get inventory, stats and stuff up is a bit uncomfortable. it also has many minor stuff that make the game worse.
i just pressed exit, and im installing IWD as we speak(ive got two computers). im excited about IWD because i think itll be very fun to have Icewind Dale+Heart of Winter+Trials of the Luremaster :D .
oh, the install just finished. seeya [img]smile.gif[/img] !

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