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Cloudbringer 04-05-2001 06:18 PM


Originally posted by ladyzekke:
Yes Turbovee is the only one I can talk to about those things as he understands where I'm coming from you know? Yes, all settled in now. Well, as settled as I'm going to get for now. Taking a break until the weekend re unpacking more things. I have to say this is the nosiest neighborhood I have ever been in. At least five neighbors have introduced themselves to us and many that walk by the sidewalk in front of the house keep peeking in the bay window! I'm talking stopping and looking in!! Now though I've got blinds up!! HA! Not that I mind friendly people. I just don't like being espied upon in my house! Kinda creepy!

Definitely creepy! I had a woman doing that when my place was built. Caught her standin on a 5 gallon paint bucket looking in my living room window, while her kid scraped a bicyle sideways on my newly poured concrete walk! GRRR...
Sure glad you have those blinds now, LadySis.

Hey, we should have a family meeting soon...I think the castle ought to throw a 'housewarming for Cloudbringer's beloved sister LadyZekke and her new digs in the South Wing...but uh, keep that closet of er..exotic wears..locked up, LoA has a tendency to PEEK! And the hippos need Evil to chase...sniffle..I miss Evil and Teddy


StormCloud of the Black Knight

Ladyzekke 04-05-2001 06:32 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:

Definitely creepy! I had a woman doing that when my place was built. Caught her standin on a 5 gallon paint bucket looking in my living room window, while her kid scraped a bicyle sideways on my newly poured concrete walk! GRRR...
Sure glad you have those blinds now, LadySis.

Hey, we should have a family meeting soon...I think the castle ought to throw a 'housewarming for Cloudbringer's beloved sister LadyZekke and her new digs in the South Wing...but uh, keep that closet of er..exotic wears..locked up, LoA has a tendency to PEEK! And the hippos need Evil to chase...sniffle..I miss Evil and Teddy


CB - OMG! Standing on a bucket? That IS wierd! At least I haven't had anyone doing that (yet)!! I'd have to say something if I saw that, nope, couldn't just let someone get away with such audacity! I can think of a few choice words/actions as I type! And scraping your freshly poured walk! UGH! Can you say Small Claims Court!
We had a guy come buy Tuesday that said he was the previous owner's brother ("we don't speak") that said this house was supposed to be willed to him, but big brother married a rich woman and stole it out from under him. Now he's living a few blocks away in an apartment. I had no idea what to say to this guy so casually slinked away and left him with hubby!

Well I most certainly would not "stop you" if you wanted to throw ol' big sis a party This castle has been getting a bit cobwebby from being vacant I must say. Yes, I agree, I miss Armisael too! Thought he said a few weeks ago that he was going to return again, albeit for a short time?? I'd love to see some wedding pictures up on Stealthy's site wouldn't you?


bilqis 04-05-2001 06:39 PM Hi Charean, LadyRae, LadyZ, LofA, Cloudy, 250 and anyone else who's lurking around here!!!
How are you all today? Anything happening in the Inn tonight? What about in the rest of the world?

LofA did you get my order for those mugs?

Cloudy.. how's work .. catching up?

LadyZ did you get my email? hey.. are you off work this week to move in?

Sometimes I think I
understand everything,
then I regain consciousness.

Most Happy Taker of Zeeke
Member of Fast Fourward

Reeka 04-05-2001 06:40 PM

Hi, everybody!

LadyZ: It's so good to see you back. I hate moving. The only other move I plan on making in my lifetime is to a coffin.

Reeka--The Hand of Death O_H_F
Lady in Waiting (the question is waiting for what?)
Yes, I do get cold. That is why I need someone to warm me up.
No, I did not lose the rest of my outfit!
Does anyone feel a draft or is it me?
Official Party Planner and Events Coordinator of the Moon's Hope Inn
Does this make me a party girl?
Proud Member of the Ladies Guild
Hi, BK. I'm back

Reeka 04-05-2001 06:46 PM

Bili, are you better? How's the old tum-tum?

Reeka--The Hand of Death O_H_F
Lady in Waiting (the question is waiting for what?)
Yes, I do get cold. That is why I need someone to warm me up.
No, I did not lose the rest of my outfit!
Does anyone feel a draft or is it me?
Official Party Planner and Events Coordinator of the Moon's Hope Inn
Does this make me a party girl?
Proud Member of the Ladies Guild
Hi, BK. I'm back

slackerboy 04-05-2001 06:46 PM


Originally posted by 250:

hello everyone. Hi Charean, havent seen you for *a while* how are you? miss your jokes
LadyRae: how is life?
Cloudbringer: I worship you from now on, your status sits beside Memnoch shinning brightly
Slackerboy: thanks for sending the file, I received it, and ack... I may need slight adjustment to it :evilaugh:
LoA: hello!
and to everyone whose name are deeply buried in my memory but cannot surface at the moment: WAAAZZZZZAAAAAP!!

an' finally, to our LADIZIKI!!!!

<font size ='6' font color = 'blue'> YOU HAVEN'T GAINED ANY GROUND!!!</font>

buahaha, me ish banishing fiendz!!

that script compiler was some crazy shite. finally figured out i had to do it in dos. and then it kept dissappearing. but for some reason it finally worked. what was wrong with it?

Cloudbringer 04-05-2001 06:48 PM

LadyZ...I told the woman that the SOLD sign was for real and she could take her child and leave my property. Luckily the concrete was mostly set. The work crew had left the bucket behind and we hadn't landscaped or anything so in order to get a good look in my window she had to stand on something...turkey! She claimed she and her boyfriend were just curious about how the house was constructed...mind you there was nobody with her but the kid...I did give her a strange look at that! Besides... you've seen one cape, you've pretty much seen 'em all!

Hmmmm... maybe if I'm free a bit this weekend I'll set up that party!

Bilqis- HI! Keep missing you, I think. Flu all gone yet, or still lingering? I hate when it lingers and you don't quite feel good but not bad enough to stay home. Work is getting caught up, thanks!

Reeka! Hi! What are you up to today?

Hmmm. did LoA run away again? HAR! That man has impeccable timing...disappeared just before I got here!


StormCloud of the Black Knight

Ladyzekke 04-05-2001 06:51 PM


Originally posted by bilqis: Hi Charean, LadyRae, LadyZ, LofA, Cloudy, 250 and anyone else who's lurking around here!!!
How are you all today? Anything happening in the Inn tonight? What about in the rest of the world?

LofA did you get my order for those mugs?

Cloudy.. how's work .. catching up?

LadyZ did you get my email? hey.. are you off work this week to move in?

Hey Bili! No I'm not off work, but I was Monday and Tuesday. I can slowly unpack now no biggie. Yes, got your e-mail and will reply when I get a chance okay! So how are you feeling? Better I hope?


LadyRae 04-05-2001 06:52 PM


Originally posted by ladyzekke:
Yes Turbovee is the only one I can talk to about those things as he understands where I'm coming from you know? Yes, all settled in now. Well, as settled as I'm going to get for now. Taking a break until the weekend re unpacking more things. I have to say this is the nosiest neighborhood I have ever been in. At least five neighbors have introduced themselves to us and many that walk by the sidewalk in front of the house keep peeking in the bay window! I'm talking stopping and looking in!! Now though I've got blinds up!! HA! Not that I mind friendly people. I just don't like being espied upon in my house! Kinda creepy!

Mmmm, maybe you guys should become nudists or something? Hey bilqis, thanks again for use of your soapbox! It really, REALLY helped! Hey Reeka!!! Welcome back!!! I was getting kinda worried! Hi 250!!!

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Conspirator...Um, I mean, member of the Ladies Guild
Smitten by The.Relic

Ladyzekke 04-05-2001 06:54 PM


Originally posted by Reeka:
Hi, everybody!

LadyZ: It's so good to see you back. I hate moving. The only other move I plan on making in my lifetime is to a coffin.

Hello Reeka! Long time since we talked! No doubt, you are much better off not moving if you can get away with it! Especially in the pouring rain tracking mud everywhere, carrying extremely heavy boxes down this rickety U-Haul ramp slick with mud, family bickering and getting into tiffs the entire time. Fun!! NOT!!


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