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mistral4543 10-16-2001 01:01 PM


Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
OOC...NWN can be played several different ways.
You can play the adventure that you buy without going online. You can download new pieces to that game, you an play preset games online, or what will really be fun is like what Ziroc is going to do. He can create a world for us to travel in, and he can be the dungeon master. He can take on the avatar of any monster he wishes, or can even become a stranger in a town that we meet to give us advise. He has control of everything, and we play in his world. You should go to the website and read all about it.

OOC: Ok, thanks... sounds fun and all, but personally I'm not too hopeful about the group of us playing a decent game together. Everyone has his/her own commitments, and it's difficult to coordinate especially with time zones.

Kaz 10-16-2001 01:02 PM

<font color="ghostwhite">Kaz stayed out of the fight for the moment, watching warily.</font>
OOC: I mean, my poor little mage with her dagger against a katana-wielding ranger?

Larry_OHF 10-16-2001 01:03 PM

ooc...a guy's thing? I will have you know that Elaine Cunningham can give some of the best detailed fighting scenes you have ever read. I stand on the corner of the couch screaming as the fights are going on.

<font color="silver">Larry jumps back, dodging the blade as it came very close. He had forgot to mention that they were to play with the flats of their blade,,,but no matter. He brought out his dagger, in his right hand, and made a lunge for Kaz to wake her up from her day-dreaming, then spinned around on his toes to put himself right behind Mistral. He kicks lightly at her before she could turn around, sending her towards the wall she was facing. Larry next turns his attention back to Kaz.</font>

mistral4543 10-16-2001 01:14 PM

(ooc: Well, I'm definitely better off with spellcasting cos I've usually played mages and priests in RPG games. Only tried kensai once with BG2 because I was inspired by my brother's character. He finished with 50 game-days, I think... I finished in 74! )

~ Caught unawares, she nevertheless whirls around instinctively. Her eyes flash and the expression on her face becomes raw. She races across to him, drawing another curve downwards with her right arm, and Brightblade threatens to slice the back of his right thigh. ~

(ooc: I'm going back to bed in 15 mins' time. Can't work later this morning if my head is heavy from lack of sleep

edit: See what I mean... sigh... I am what they call "blur" in this part of the world. Meaning, extremely confused...

[This message has been edited by mistral4543 (edited 10-16-2001).]

Kaz 10-16-2001 01:16 PM

<font color="ghostwhite">Kaz steps back from Larry, pushing her encumbersome cloak back with one hand as her second grips the quarterstaff leaning against the wall.</font>
OOC: Just remembered I have a quarterstaff +1, I think I am better at describing me using a quarterstaff than a dagger!

Larry_OHF 10-16-2001 01:20 PM

<font color="silver"> Larry sees the determined charge and thinks that he might have pushed his luck too far with that shove to the wall.
As Mistral reaches him, Larry sweeps across, parries down, takes Mistral's sword arm in his off-hand, kicks out behind her to trip her low, and as she goes down, Larry sneaks a kiss in on her fore-head as he lays her to the ground, almost gently. Then he jumps back and leaps behind Kaz to stay away from any retaliation spells that might come to Mistral's mind.</font>

Larry_OHF 10-16-2001 01:22 PM

ooc...I need to do about an hour's worth of work right now.

mistral4543 10-16-2001 01:37 PM

(ooc: Last post for now, at least... bye all and have fun when you can )

~ She pushes herself off the ground, holding Brightblade in a death grip. Instinct urges her to conjure her most aggressive spell to show this insolent man the consequences of ruffling her feathers. Her eyes look haunted and her face, flushed... then the moment passes, and she lets out a deep breath. ~

~ Still trembling, she turns away abruptly and resheaths her katana. Continuing to ignore Larry and Kaz, she seats herself on her bed and gazes out of the window, her shoulders heaving slightly. ~

Larry_OHF 10-16-2001 02:15 PM

<font color="silver">Larry, noticing that there was no more apparent danger, sheathes Nightblade and sits down. He motions for Kaz to do the same. </font>

<font color="white">"This little play-fight has taught us each something about ourselves and each other. I would like to expound on it for a minute...I will start with myself. I am along the lines of an agressive, compulsive. I am very agile, and quick. These are a couple of my abilities. I know how to make the blade fly through the air like a dance, and I enjoy the art of sword-fighting exclusively. All of this, though seemingly would be my strong-points, are actually my weaknesses. I jump right into battle, not even knowing my enemy, and beginning the dance of death. If I make it out, then fine, if I die, then I died in honor. My father has taught me recently that this is foolishness. To place my body in apparent danger is not heroic, it is absurd. Only when I can control my desire to jump in without thinking out a plan will I be of any use to either of you. I apologize for being so blind to this previously. Spree has been trying to teach me this for a while, now...and I did not understand how these were my weaknesses.

Now, for you, Kaz. You are so innocent, it seems that you are out of character in battle. You were with me when I was attempting peace because that is your desire. To handle things without getting violent. You are an accomplished mage that can hold her own in battle, but when the enemy that is pure evil is staring you in the lock up, and you forget to breathe. Breathing is essential for any emergency, because you need to think clearly through your actions. When you freeze up for fear...your brain is not getting the oxygen it needs to think clearly and focus. Therefore, your attacker has the advantage. Usually, the attacker will come at you from behind so that the element of surprise and fear of the unseen will put you in that state of shock that is so desired by them. Always keep your chin up, and don't appear to be an easy target. Make eye contact with your enemy and let him know that he will have to work at bringing you down. Usually, this puts doubt into their minds that you will be taken so easily, so they will move on to another victim that is easier taken. Never be afraid to turn and look at who is chasing you. You will be surprised to see what it really is that is after you. Usually, nothing you cannot handle.

Mistral...Well, you began as an excellant swordswoman, but found your heart called to the arts. Whenever you want to get anything done, your mind thinks of spells instead of side-stepping and parrying with the blade. You answered your true calling as a magic-wielding power, yet you have the unique ability to wield a weapon like a pro. But since you prefer magic, you begin to tell yourself that you could handle a situation much easier by just casting a spell and so you put your sword off as though it were a burdon to you.
In order to be who you really are, the ancients teach us to balance our lives with the Ying and Yang example. You are not a woman who knows magic, and sometimes picks up a sword. You dual wield magic and blade together. There is an actual ancient practice of elves called Blades. They place song and sword together, yet the music is of magical significance. You can be somewhat like that, I am sure.

Our main strengths is that we care for each other. We are not three individuals, fighting similar battles. We are three people, joined in one purpose to become one power against darkness. Imagine three candles. When they light a room, you do not see three lights, you see that the three have made the room into one bright lighted room. We are that light to conquer the darkness set before us. Each of us question his/her past. We can help one another in this just as much as any external barriers like Meldrin.

Do any of you have any comments??</font>

<font color="gold">Important...
Due to a crash that has happened on top of Kaz's post, I have moved her post into a new thread, entitled #3. Please go there.

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 10-16-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 10-16-2001).]

Kaz 10-16-2001 02:36 PM

<font color="white">Kaz looks at Larry, face unreadable. Then she says, "I am glad to know I have friends in you," and walks towards Mistral and Larry. Tears gather in her eyes.</font>

OOC: Just wondering whether I should cry or not... certainly feel like it

Edit: Kaz was using HTML tags to change her font color and replaced a " with '. This led to some weird effects happening which I've gotten rid of. This thread should be ok now.


[This message has been edited by Memnoch (edited 10-16-2001).]

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