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Calaethis Dragonsbane 08-12-2005 09:19 PM

<font color=silver> Isokla smiled warmly and waited for Kagarioni to return, or for something else to happen. Sighing softly to herself, she looked up as the misty rain began to fall more heavily... soon it would not be long until it was a downpour.</font>

Saliarasri 08-12-2005 10:35 PM

<font color="#fa34ac">
Kagarioni walks over to Ydalon, not really caring about her task, although she does wonder again why he's leader of the party, then decides, it's better not to know why he elected himself.

<font color="white">"Isokla is traveling with us for a while, and I'm her apprentice."</font> Her tone is matter-of-fact, and her face is virtually devoid of emotion, except for a quirk of an eyebrow, an unreadable quirk.

<font color="white">'Besides, I'm not sure that I understand it myself.. All I know is that I get the feeling I'm going over my head..'</font>
Kagarioni then walks back <font color="white">"Is there anything you wnat mistress?"</font>

Calaethis Dragonsbane 08-12-2005 10:49 PM

<font color=silver><font color=skblue>"Yes, as a matter of fact,"</font> Isokla scowled, glaring at Kagarioni, <font color=skblue>"If that's your idea of explaining the current situation to Lord Ydalon then you've a long way to go. Hold out your hand."</font> Assuming Kagarioni does so, Isokla will smack it lightly across the palm with her switch, <font color=skblue>"Now go back and do a better job, or need I explain the current state of affairs, hmm?"</font> Chiding her further, Isokla finished, <font color=skblue>"You're not pleasing me, apprentice, and this is not off to a good start. Try harder."</font> The young woman glared and walked over to Ydalon, leaving Kagarioni to tag along behind...

Addressing him in a semi-formal manner, Isokla began, <font color=skblue>"I hope I am not disturbing you, my lord."</font> her eyes flickered towards Kagarioni, <font color=skblue>"Due to recent events... our circumstances have changed, somewhat. I have been... persuaded to stay on, if you'll still have me. Naturally, I'll defer to your leadership in all things save my apprentice, and I won't challenge your authority, provided it does not overly endanger this group."</font> her eyes flickered at the rest of them, <font color=skblue>"Although, I wish to have nothing to do with some of these... misfits is too harsh a word, so instead, I'll use 'characters'."</font> It was clear she was still not overly pleased with certain personages. <font color=skblue>"But I digress, for now, our interests are aligned. My skills are at your disposal."</font> With a small smile, she finished, <font color=skblue>"And that, my dear Lord Ydalon, is as much a pledge of allegiance as you're going to get."</font> Inclining her head towards him, she added finally, <font color=skblue>"I apologise for my apprentice's lack of manners. Please forgive her; it is clear she is still a child in many aspects. I would ask that you show lenience’ I assure you, I will insure my utmost that it does not happen again."</font> Isokla scowled, <font color=skblue>“For one noble born… …she seems to have forgotten how to address her superiors…”</font> It seemed clear that Isokla was embarrassed by her newly appointed apprentice’s actions and perhaps, this was the reason she was being overly polite. Either that, or she was setting an example to follow.</font>

Saliarasri 08-12-2005 11:10 PM

<font color="#fc34ac">
Kagarioni apologizes to Isokla, puzzled over her quibbling point as she gets lightly smacked on her hand.
<font color="white">'I suppose, if Isokla's going for formal address manner, this would make sense.. but he's made no indication he wanted it. And he could have just asked me a question..'</font> Kagarioni muses, watching Isokla apologize, wondering why she's acting like a highborn lady, even though..

When Isokla stops talking Kagarioni steps forward, realizing that she might want to apologize, <font color="white">"I apologize for my lack of manners in addressing you, as well as not being suitably polite.."</font>Kagarioni says, in a formal tone, her expression apologetic, after Isokla finishes talking


[ 08-13-2005, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Saliarasri ]

DrowArchmage 08-14-2005 10:17 PM

Zak laughed to himself at Kagarioni.The girl would've had to be a fool,or so he thought.The woman seemed eager enough but he didnt know if he would want somebody like Iskola as a teacher. He walked next to her but kept out of arms reach. <font color=lightblue> My fair lady Iskola, </font> he said with a bow. <font color=lightblue> Please forgive my rudeness earlier. I was not myself. Please tell me,what is it you have against me.I did nothing to you. Pherhaps calling myself a mercanary when we first met a mistake. Let me explain more thouroly. My talents are used for good,not evil. If i feel a job is not helping the people,i refuse, and then of course i destroy the ill intentioned people who tried to hire me. I would never use my talents for evil,ever. Please except my apology. </font> he stood there and waited for her answer.

Calaethis Dragonsbane 08-15-2005 08:11 AM

<font color=silver><font color=skblue>"Although I appriecate your attempt at an apology,"</font> Isokla consoled Zak, her tone soothing yet still aloof, <font color=skblue>"You still do not seem able to understand; there is no good, there is only power. Those who take lives, for whatever the reason are as evil as the very monsters you set out to destroy. In sinking to their depths, you yourself are a monster. And mercenaries are the very, very worst. Nothing you can say or do will ever convince me otherwise. You may drop the title of 'mercenary', but to me, mercenaries shall always be the lowest scum."</font>

She smiled although it seemed somewhat forced, <font color=skblue>"You may change as an individual, but that does not alter your past. You may attone for it a thousand times over, but it is not me you have to answer to. It is the families of those you've slain, and indeed, the very ones you've slain you shall ultimately answer for. There can be no other way. I understand that there will be times when you feel there is no other way but to kill - but you've admitted to killing for pleasure! That is disguisting! No animal kills for pleasure, not unless it is tainted and twisted. No, I would ask that you do not attempt to sweet-talk me, or even impress me or prove that I am wrong about you and that somehow, you are honourable. I doubt we shall ever be anything more then what we are now - unwilling travelling companions. I do not dislike you, Zakaria, I merely find your trade and wonton disregard for life repulsive. I'm sure you have the very best intentions at heart."</font> The last was said sweetly, but it seemed like Isokla herself was not convinced by it - it wasn't that she was trying to lie, it was just she found herself falling short when trying to believe the best in him.

<font color=skblue>"I have no desire to lecture you with sermons, and my way of thinking may be wrong, but-"</font> she paused for emphasis, <font color=skblue>"Since you offered me an apology, I felt I owed you an explanation."</font> This time, her smile was warmer, <font color=skblue>"I suggest we set that aside and you return to your rest. Given our pace, I expect that you will need it, so unless you've more to say, I shall bid you a good night."</font> Although Isokla was not cool, it was clear that she did not wish to continue the present trend of their conversation and wished to be alone with her thoughts shortly. If Zak wished to discuss something else, no doubt she would make time for it with good grace, but it was clear her views on morality were no something she wished to speak of any more. At least, for the moment. It was also clear that she did not want pity for feeling the way she did, but as with most things, no doubt she had a reason for it. She did not seem the type to lean so heavily to one side so lightly.</font>
OOC: Hmm, I'd move the game on, but since we're waiting for certain personages given their absence, we may as well interact a while longer - until everyone gets bored that is. Sigh. Too bad that there are at least three people away :( . Oh well, they'll be back soon and the game should pick up again [img]smile.gif[/img] .

[ 08-15-2005, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]

shamrock_uk 08-15-2005 12:01 PM

OOC: Yay, I have some internet access here after all [img]smile.gif[/img]

<font color="CCCC99">Detheriel

Detheriel watched the exchange between Isokla and Kagarioni with some amusement. That relationship has certainly developed quickly he chuckled to himself. It was quite strange though he thought, Kagarioni appeared to be one of the last people here who might have need of instruction. Just goes to show how mistaken first impressions can be.

Still, what did Kagarioni think Isokla could teach a warrior like her?
he wondered. He allowed himself a tiny grin at what he perceived to be the futility of any form of instruction she would receive. After all, you don't learn by being told what to do, but from the act of doing and learning from mistakes. Ah well, it's her money... he thought.

His mind wandered to Nivram's words and he felt a brief pang of sympathy at the hardship the man had suffered. It doesn't sound like he has many skills to bring to the group though he mused. Still, he seems a good-natured fellow...lets hope some of our more unscrupulous members don't try and take advantage of him.

"I shall be quite happy to take the first watch when we decide to turn in" he offered, much preferring a period of sleep uninterrupted by a watch in the middle of the night.</font>

DrowArchmage 08-15-2005 08:32 PM

Zak smiled softly at Iskola and moved back to his position. He decided to do a little exercise before falling asleep. He called upon fire,and moved a flame from finger to finger across his hand and then back again, he did this on each hand for several minuets.Then used a little dark magic to intensly darken a circle around him,then he pulled his claok over his eyes and drifted into sleep.

Calaethis Dragonsbane 08-15-2005 09:16 PM

<font color=silver>Isokla twitched, but remained silent.</font>

Saliarasri 08-15-2005 10:32 PM

<font color="#fc34ac">
Kagarioni quietly watches Zak make a very bad attempt at apologizing, and Isokla's reply, inwardly wondering why she was so unamused by his magic show. <font color="white">'Then again, Isokla has a definite opinion on merceanries, as well as his magic, which she said a few minutes ago'</font>

Kagarioni remains at the polite attentive stance for now, reminding herself to ask Isokla what was wrong when she wasn't busy waiting, feeling a interupption is not recommeneded.

Kagarioni shivers slightly as she begins to feel like a waterspout, the rain dripping off her armor.

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