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KDogRex 03-19-2001 11:40 AM

Wow, The Saga's a hell of a story and I'm not finished with it, yet!

-Resident Corset Loosener of the OHF

Cloudbringer 03-19-2001 11:52 AM


Originally posted by KDogRex:
Wow, The Saga's a hell of a story and I'm not finished with it, yet!

Yup! Did you start at the LadyZekke-intensive part or go back to the first part where BK romanced Cloudbringer/StormCloud? The whole thing is a humdinger, for sure...LOL! Melusine informed me that the saga is the first romance on the board..hehehe. Just call us trendsetters...teehee

And the current storyline is splitting and going on two runs. Ahhh the planes are diverging on us and ooooh the fun everyone is having!

Oh, and I modified my post before you quoted it!

Any more tea left or shall we start the next batch of sparklystuff?


KDogRex 03-19-2001 11:56 AM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:

Yup! Did you start at the LadyZekke-intensive part or go back to the first part where BK romanced Cloudbringer/StormCloud? The whole thing is a humdinger, for sure...LOL! Melusine informed me that the saga is the first romance on the board..hehehe. Just call us trendsetters...teehee

And the current storyline is splitting and going on two runs. Ahhh the planes are diverging on us and ooooh the fun everyone is having!

Oh, and I modified my post before you quoted it!

Any more tea left or shall we start the next batch of sparklystuff?


So what did you modify it from?! Hehehe, Anyhoo. It's interesting backround, for sure! I read from the beginning of where Gabriel left Memnoch and came back to the keep?

-Resident Corset Loosener of the OHF

Cloudbringer 03-19-2001 12:01 PM

KDog, that's the middle of the story, and reasonably current. I have the old stuff kicking around somewhere, but I also think it is all on wolfgir's website, only in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) form and for some reason I couldn't see it when I tried, even when AA opened up. BK has it too, so if you want the early stuff, let us know. HEHEHE Otherwise, keep up with any thread labeled SAGA (and a number) or the LadyWendy thread which may have merged with another. She can tell us when she stops in tonight.

Hey BK? maybe it's time to STEAM up this forum again, what thinkest thou?


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

KDogRex 03-19-2001 12:07 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
KDog, that's the middle of the story, and reasonably current. I have the old stuff kicking around somewhere, but I also think it is all on wolfgir's website, only in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) form and for some reason I couldn't see it when I tried, even when AA opened up. BK has it too, so if you want the early stuff, let us know. HEHEHE Otherwise, keep up with any thread labeled SAGA (and a number) or the LadyWendy thread which may have merged with another. She can tell us when she stops in tonight.

Hey BK? maybe it's time to STEAM up this forum again, what thinkest thou?


Thanks, I'll do that!

*Shuffles feet about on the floor, feeling slightly dejected* Jeepers, sure would like to steam things up, too. Me sitting here, all by my lonesome, my lovely lady, whom I'mm now apparently her personal slave and bodyguard, is off somewhere in RL, doing real things... *SIGH*
*kicks back with feet on the table and sets to wiping down his rapier and oiling his leathers. Stops for a moment to pull the ever present cigarette from his tunic, sparks it with a quick, arcane movement of his hand and sets back to task, humming a skald from his days in the wars, and thinks of his fair lady...*

-Resident Corset Loosener of the OHF

[This message has been edited by KDogRex (edited 03-19-2001).]

Cloudbringer 03-19-2001 12:24 PM

Oh, KDog! Well, you can practice your steamy lines here. I'm apparently the only one here and believe me, if you've seen my off-topic stuff with Armisael and BK...uh, the forum can stand a little fog on its collective monitor for a while! LOL

And I'm just sitting here at lunch, nothing to do but browse the web (BK? you in meetings all day or heavy workload?).

------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

KDogRex 03-19-2001 12:32 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Oh, KDog! Well, you can practice your steamy lines here. I'm apparently the only one here and believe me, if you've seen my off-topic stuff with Armisael and BK...uh, the forum can stand a little fog on its collective monitor for a while! LOL

And I'm just sitting here at lunch, nothing to do but browse the web (BK? you in meetings all day or heavy workload?).

*KDog's eyes light up* Really? Well, in that case and as long as you promise me that your Onyx consort won't remove my head from it's very comfortable resting place on my shoulders, then I'd be happy to while away the time wooing you. Besides, if you caught up on the posts from the inn last night, both part 1 and earler here, Ladyz was getting a bit into the rough and tumble, leaving me a bit perplexed! Hehehe, not that I minded, by the way...There was something rather appealing about being tackled by her!

-Resident Corset Loosener of the OHF

Cloudbringer 03-19-2001 12:53 PM

LOL! I didn't have time to read farther back...but now I may have to! Way to go, LadyZekke, sister o'mine!

Hmmm...well, as long as they are lines...and not much further, I think my Knight might let you keep that pretty head on your never know (sly grin). Feel like taking chances? (giggles and sits back to wait for her Knight) He is quite protective and a wee bit possesive (teehee) .....sigh..and ooooh so gallant..and quite steam-inducing...hmmm...methinks the temperature is already higher in here! He may be here later. He seems to like this place.


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

KDogRex 03-19-2001 01:02 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
LOL! I didn't have time to read farther back...but now I may have to! Way to go, LadyZekke, sister o'mine!

Hmmm...well, as long as they are lines...and not much further, I think my Knight might let you keep that pretty head on your never know (sly grin). Feel like taking chances? (giggles and sits back to wait for her Knight) He is quite protective and a wee bit possesive (teehee) .....sigh..and ooooh so gallant..and quite steam-inducing...hmmm...methinks the temperature is already higher in here! He may be here later. He seems to like this place.


*crushes out cigarette and rolls head back in laughter*
LOL! I don't think you need any help from me, my lady, you appear to be steamed up enough as it is all ready!! Is it hot in here?
As if it weren't hot enough, I find myself next to one of the most exquisite pieces of work in all the realm and must somehow maintain my composure, lest her protector and consort challenge me to a duel which I would surely lose. Losing this duel would be bad for many reasons, but I would have to say that the worst reason of all, worse than the actual death of it all, would have to be the fact that I would never see my fair lady Wendy again, nor would I gaze upon her countenance or hear her voice, which is like ambrosia (to plaguerize Melusine) to my ears. So as you can see, this presents quite a pickle. However, I simply must tell you before I burst with enthusiasm, I think you look absolutely ravishing this day and your new do, looks great on you...

-Resident Corset Loosener of the OHF

Cloudbringer 03-19-2001 01:19 PM

Hehehe! Well, that's what happens when you play at adventuring with knights of an onyx persuasion all weekend...steam dissipates verrry slowly! LOL

Wendy shall return once her new quarters are all set up. This moving thing has the whole castle in an uproar. She's only going to the South wing, but you'd thing she was buying a house or something!

Whooo, did you say 'ravishing'? mmmm...BK never says, well he says other things... oh my...(fan fan) did you put another log on that fire?..Ok well, moving on...(pats hair in place) you think so? Well it's a 'transition' thing.

You seem to be over your weekend of debauchery with no ill side-effects, KDog! How were the parties? Or was it the circus? LOL No, that was Gray Mage...hahaha


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 03-19-2001).]

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