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« Week | Week » October 2013
Add New Event Sunday
camomile13 (78), fubbi (73), DLG-13 (66), StealerUK (55), Ghost 359 (44), nmhenry71655 (41), Jhonath (40), mickedog (39), Saiph (39), Vazz (37), TN_Redneck (35), Alathorn Trueblade (34), Keilah (33), Krystin (30), skyfire (27), SaSSyGirl57963 (26), Slayer_Baal (25), bLu3FaLc0n (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
maxima5 (65), Jonker (58), simon59 (54), simon1959 (54), Gen Italia (48), holyroller (48), Xaxius the Unseen (42), Galdor (39), neriana (37), jbird05 (34), fraggle (33), tofae (33), Aviehenda (31), Rhymel (30), NickCowan (30), Hinokagutsuchi (29), Crillien (28), Drake_da_dragon (28), TheVulcanAndroid (27), Sindarin (25), PhantomRenegade (24), shablul (23), Steven141 (23), Bulgar1994 (19) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
Mykul (66), skotknight (53), Teere (49), pablov (47), Martinp (43), ScuZZ (42), Naked Paladin (39), Carpaithian (38), Dobbler (37), eViL (35), Dual-Blade (32), xCLAVEx (32), Youkai (31), GloriousJanitor (30), imported_Thorin_Oakenshield (29), [SWE] Glorfindel (28), Belial (28), Ell_man (28), Andrew McLemore (27), grummzaire (27), freeman (26), Saviour Cloud (26), KILLER9994 (25), Dwarf_Beer (24), Blood_Golem (24), JORDAN (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
tiny (67), twoeaglesone (49), littlebigdog (49), E.T. (48), outthere (44), Leviticus (42), capster (42), Klutz (41), Dorf Bowler (41), Alvar (39), Kullervo (37), dawnkeeper (35), Silverstar (33), Jerish (32), gunns310 (30), waverider (27), Arken (27), tetra (27), collin2 (26), Tan (25), Drakan (24), Blue Paladin (24), Ignious (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
BaAlzamon369 (113), baz55 (60), Cats (55), nealiios (47), Kenn Rosenkranz (47), Draxis (47), rvelez99 (46), Cristabolazzar (39), MorgaineLeFay (39), Tananda (38), Ulgoth's Beard Trimmer (38), zigzag69 (36), Choven1218 (35), U n k n o w n (34), Arbit (33), NiceWorg (32), MaGicBush (29), Rataxes (28), Grimster85 (28), NagaSaki (27), NewT2310 (27), Jarathel (24), Illithid Illithium (22), Mad_Welshman (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
DarkKnight (113), angbear (49), fallin (48), Paraniomia (47), Walthulhu (44), Vster (44), Tseng (43), Ahira (40), captain quigers (39), dsavant (37), Tormented gelflin (33), SuperflyPT (33), spyder0 (33), Letter to the Dead (33), Roley (30), Ice Queen (30), djrivum (30), Baptiste (30), BigBoi16 (28), Deximus (28), Starwind (28), Talon Stormcrow (28), Thaziax (26), Kendarak (26), Kensteroony (26), viviane (25), MarsTeam (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
Gwyn (63), Steel Gremlin (47), Dresdan (44), fantemus (44), flyfishin4trout (43), Robar Rijac (42), daseisd (42), Cornbread (41), Daemon Prince (40), Sayman (40), imagz (36), Castagire (36), chezay (34), AzRaeL StoRmBlaDe (33), Stephan1980 (33), motive (33), FUNK MAN SC (31), Xlatin (30), LennonCook (27), seal (27), Shadowslayer (26), efuzion (25), WoodyG666 (25), WoodyD (25), Love AzzrA evoL (23), georgel (23), nono (23), Rallen (23) Birthdays
October 2013
  S M T W T F S
> 29 30 1 2 3 4 5
> 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
> 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
> 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
> 27 28 29 30 31 1 2

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