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« Week | Week » December 2013
Add New Event Sunday
sammy (62), Curt (51), Borim (51), whiteknight (50), Moandaar (46), mrmxy (46), gtyson12 (45), Roderick (45), BooBoo72pa (43), hickfam (41), Phastern (40), lookgrabpull (38), Stik Master (35), Rhuarch (34), shadow537 (34), bebhionn (34), Super Jules (33), Fathteslayer (33), Faiththeslayer (33), shaidyn (33), Dehzjogan (32), Malverik (32), Lucern (32), dlscorpion (31), SnowMan (30), pansito (28), Sarcosuchus (26), punkindood (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
DinkumThinkum (67), Knip Dyolf (57), Artegel (52), gerson (51), Imprimis (49), dwarf4hire (46), norseman (46), Nocturno (43), Sylas (42), micron (42), Amish Marauder (41), OTG (38), zeppelined (37), arfananwel (37), Estasios (32), Finellach (32), MR GUEY (28), One against many (27), runescape master (27), HePbUrN (26), Jed (26), Saphieris (24), fate (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
dunjindork (103), Loko (88), Ugaya (51), Esteron Trollslayer (47), Silver Hawk (47), TheGoodBadUgly (44), Saren (43), Fenris (42), Gor (38), D-Day (36), joyce (36), Corvinus (35), Glewas (32), StormyV (32), Mael (31), Astenuh (31), Broadside (30), King K (27), Legolisa (25), beerish9 (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
penguin_16 (54), JB (52), Lita (47), Rickerdoo (46), Rothrorn (45), Charis of Ikaria (45), vtr1000 (44), deveon (43), RenSlaught (40), Vorkosigan (37), Trangula (37), Half-Saint (36), Talas (33), Valadius (33), shadowsz13 (29), drakor amentor (27), TouchToneDialing (27), Sandra (26), Jadez (22), mentalmagic (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
Wayne (75), Napalm (55), LadyLuckXIII (51), Takris Mayhem (44), BassDude (40), valknova (40), Grimgor Ironhide (40), Kali (37), Kumash_Gor (37), emtpcrt (36), Rolandthemad (30), Zippo the Crazy (30), Gabrielzero (30), jreapert (29), Slain (29), Bogy (28), Froberg (28), capnrob (28), VN3586 (27), Smaakagen (27), elmo hunter (25), The Dragon Reborn (25), kirikdaer laechder (23), alamar (18) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
oldgreymerez (70), argnovmo (53), marwyn (49), aquapup (48), StewMeister (46), SPARKY (46), Schmockelix (45), darthjolley (44), cosmo (44), edomingox (40), Shadowkahn (37), VanMasterson (36), Rattus hater (32), Guenwyvar (31), dragon_grrrl (30), D420 (28), meestar_death (27), imported_Bob (27), BloodvsReaver (27), Tanhithion (27), SPaCa_22 (27), Naitsabes (27), I need a more original name (26), The Detective (26), The Green Mile (26), rishav (25), Docter Death (22), lilant5 (22), Sieg (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
Malach Cha Movis (72), bobbyworld69 (59), ChoccyBic (52), Grendal (47), ister (46), Azred (44), stevew (42), MackKenyon (41), Curlcurl (40), dannyevilcat (38), thompson7 (38), Nicander (38), Mindflayer (36), meester_death (34), StigTC (33), G3MM4 (32), Fabz (31), Mikkel (30), Har'oloth (29), The_Dark_Warrior (29), Prometheus (27), chaz (25), Sir Saleh (25), bloodmage11 (24), Shoudra (24), Vizger (24), osirusdragon (24), Heian Miliamne (23), Heian (23) Birthdays
December 2013
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