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« Week | Week » December 2013
Add New Event Sunday
tomj (61), turkturk (59), pibbur dragon (59), Areyan (53), gunho (48), InKey (46), Riceball (44), dblagent1 (41), vergannen (40), splendidplumage (39), Jarlaxle1975 (38), Lady Liliara (38), bandit (37), Mythrandore (37), Pyrates (35), bgname (35), Dragon Hunter (31), liel (31), Philoos (30), Shar (28), JrKASperov (28), Xug (27), Cosmar (26), Casshern (26), Volothamp Geddarm (25), Black Paladin (24), armageddon272 (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
dandman (47), Glendor (47), potentillas (44), Vashti (43), Salk (40), JinxVanAshke (37), DragonSpeed (36), Muzza (35), mansgod (34), Dai Shan (33), viskis (33), Spirit (32), Lorddarian (30), True Life Karma (29), cagasbaj (28), Gab (27), Demonic Dayze (26), XRay (26), Fish Boy The Wet (25), Sonic (24), Lord Seifer (24), Lord Sion (24), Sualc Atnas (23), charmless man (23), Sacred_Exile (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
Four Mad Men (113), Decree (113), Karlth (65), jpgr1964 (60), Rishji (59), Artax (51), Aladinsane (50), JulesInOz (47), Maxx Steele (46), Donk (43), sebdur (41), Goalie10 (39), gator (39), Archonte (38), Fitz (37), Vicente (35), Masklinn (34), NeoA (34), evilfluffybunnies (33), gosfgwin (31), masterkeeper (31), stormer (31), draxl (30), yelgabnodnarb (28), Atropos (27), PhenoVenom (26), Elendil_thetall (26), Megachihuahua (24) Birthdays
« Week | Week » January 2014
Add New Event Wednesday
dulouz (114), Detah (114), Wolfie (114), Wutang (114), Saturn (114), ortaga (114), Gnomes_rule (114), The Collective (114), Grendel Jr. (114), eisey (114), Kelson McReorie (114), Psy-Q (114), Butterfingers (114), Swannee (114), Tag (114), Arundor (114), Dejio (114), SirAlez (114), K@os (114), hazach (114), Hugo A Go Go (114), DeftNinja (114), Kasreyn (114), Chip N. Dale (114), habanaro (114), Simbul (114), temporary (114), ferro287 (114), warnie (114), Ajanti$ (114), Yamio (114), ml (114), ArmeDMonkey (114), TheGlow (114), Nodscene (114), Megalobird (114), themadmage (114), myyth (114), Madelyne Pryor (114), Don Bolo (114), ullekhambone2004 (114), Fafnir_Dragon (114), kolvir (113), ljmiii (113), Mmmm (113), Defender of Crom Faeyr (113), JS (113), mkhunter (113), Morgan144 (113), BoneheadMike (113), SpitBall (113), Vladiat0r (113), turbotpl (109), Sinbad Bukowski (109), Norin (101), Yaman 666 (94), Phred (90), eitheror (85), bobbo (81), Graveheart (79), corpsman (78), limer (77), Qiote (68), Clatsopia (68), tylerdurdan (67), Dajjer (64), KC (64), rtt (64), Caedwyr (64), John185 (64), Tohl_Hal (64), WildBoarK (63), Pat the Rat (60), paladin1 (59), JD_UK (57), Gypsy (55), The Roleplayer (55), Iron Giant (54), BOB (54), mournblade (54), gadgetman (54), making_magix (54), PureAgape (52), brash (51), richmondvho (50), abmlrm (49), Germ (49), stev5a (48), Sentinel (48), Reyth (48), shodankaiman (48), Borvik (47), April (47), lightweave (46), Knolle (46), fisab (46), Elle (46), OttoSkorzeny (46), Paulbo (45), cyndyl (45), Gaeven Elanesse (45), Daemeon (45), Guedwer (45), Dworsh The Miner (45), Alderik (44), Scourgicus (44), Tyler M. (44), erictaz2 (44), ScottG (44), NomadRock (44), DarkWing (44), Vehndetta (44), ubergeek (44), Mikemike (44), XSS (44), Daemoj (44), Melchior (44), Nimrod Star (44), timortis (44), Stog (43), johngalt (43), stan (43), JulesWinnfield (43), Hamlet (42), Hammer (42), icemage (42), IronSeeker (42), Kasura (42), Hendon (42), Bacchus2530 (42), darkmage (42), Thuram (41), fkill (41), Hexa (41), Syl (41), Ankh (41), Stoneman the White (41), je (41), TC (40), Dessa (40), Sempr (40), yoav (39), Bob Billson (39), Cave_Lion (39), spillmind (39), TrueC (39), atomcat (38), Pieman_uk (38), perscorilo (38), Holiday65 (38), Fons (38), eRat (38), kondrix (37), iot (37), (37), Andreas_1977 (37), Dragan (37), Bukmee (37), Silverthorn21 (37), sheridan (37), htoburen (37), crymson77 (36), gorgoroth (36), Merlin from Amber (36), tofou (36), TheWiSeFooL (36), Sukodin (36), noob lover (36), Ascendency-Down (36), struwelpeter (36), evermenace (35), BrianHUN (35), 4eee (35), el_kalkylus (34), Lord Skulton (34), RockyLou (34), The Shield (34), blue valkyrie (34), Larceni (34), Viconia DeVir (34), Nas (34), blittz111 (34), Goliat (34), baddog (34), firkrag (34), achilles (34), Ari_Djen (34), TheDevilMayCry (34), Hiyamoto Rapax (34), lovableangel (34), Crocodile KinG (34), tomk (34), tazok (34), jimumec (34), Boxy (34), Phaedrus (34), Tay (34), captainubercool (34), LordExcelsius (34), Silver Knight (34), FYAD (34), rove (34), Ward010 (33), xXBlackRavenXx (33), Orcbane (33), Pocky (33), iron_monkey (33), poseyjmac (33), Cruel (33), MidNightForce (32), Freesoul (32), E.Bill (32), SizzlinZazz (32), GreenBlood (32), Proxymere Sleepyhead (32), Lightmaster Orm (31), Fight Cancer (30), Feng (30), CaCa (30), Volcatius (30), Daft_Man (30), bgsoa_newb (30), Nighthawk Shadehound (30), Pinch_Harmonic (30), Demoquin2 (30), Hermit Boy (29), ddk_ca (29), hysoka (29), Blind_Prophet (28), FireWolf86 (28), crewstud (28), baja (28), deadman_uk (28), Fantasy god (27), rlt (27), Seijim2 (26), Nagaash (26), Assassin (26), Salah Al-Din (26), Gxc (26), solispheric (26), Azurio (25), Wolf666 (25), ThatOneGuy0101 (25), Sig (24), gamer1 (24), assassin09895 (22), Gatth (19), Dimitri (14), Dev (14), LLandale (14), solmyr (14), Phienix (14), Blind Observer (14), wrolf (13), Steve Fox (11), Riddley Walker (11), Xyphias (11), kronrahr (11) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
phil777 (114), Shaman (114), machinehead (58), Pendarth (56), LS0158 (55), Eliaures (53), Carter Wrath (51), mark98 (47), Hei Li (47), Ozzbodd (44), Trasher (44), Trinity (44), Master_Rahl (44), Master Rahl (44), fwoar (44), Peacemaker231 (43), Nip (43), rodeoclown (41), pol (41), krem (41), fistandantilus2 (38), krunchyfrogg (38), Klorox (38), Cwell the fine (38), jpenns (38), The Rose (37), shadowdragon420 (34), dirkduck (34), Lys (34), atomi (33), Bladen (33), bamboo (32), Caballo (32), warrax (32), Dippy Dawg (30), hitman187au (28), Rinoa H. (26), Vandal (24), Icwmat (23), Awask (23), Majin (13) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
bugmanz (105), ismos (54), tuckyboy (53), Toteman (50), Mark2 (46), Sloraxe (44), jett 69 (43), Annariel (43), ebee (43), maddussirius (43), nevynindril (42), rahul (41), matty777 (40), hemi68 (39), LadyLuthien (37), Andante the Everlord (37), Sauron the Great (36), demonseed (35), Omokaide (33), Polaris (32), DamonTenchu (32), mad_red (31), Jabberwock (30), The Paper (30), cresta (30), Bryan (29), jinny (29), Neuman (28), Jonbo (28), suttle (27), shadows (26), Nico (26), Alpha_Dragon (25), CJ (24), Quin (24), nathan (23), fenrir (19) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
Vaskez (107), archibald (83), gary3752 (64), Pallomine (62), Hoss (62), igivein (56), banzai (49), Brian T (47), Cyrus Moonblade (46), dobosp (43), killerdwarf (43), Wizard's Boyfriend (40), ugaman3 (40), ElegantProse (39), Meatheadicus (38), Capt.Scum (37), Candistar (35), gLadiatorWCR (34), sabreknight (33), Desidarius (33), Moodeh the Wise (33), Marcus Valerius (33), Nobody (32), Fishlick (32), Akamond (31), spiceskull (31), Waldie (30), Saggio (30), Alannon (29), kemicake (29), Burnside (29), Maximus decimus (28), Erinti (27), Big Pimpin (25), Akdor1154 (24), RedStormRex (24), Eros (24) Birthdays
December 2013
  S M T W T F S
> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
> 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
> 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
> 29 30 31 1 2 3 4
January 2014
  S M T W T F S
> 29 30 31 1 2 3 4
> 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
> 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
> 26 27 28 29 30 31 1

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