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« Week | Week » December 2013
Add New Event Sunday
lordmorrison (70), woodcutter3 (64), Lord Demerol (50), El Condoro (49), Slayer297 (48), Conan the Destroyer (43), Liqua_Thrushbane (43), AkWingnut (42), Toraxe (41), Durnin (36), Auldron (36), Sir Galious (36), Cataephract (34), Raz (33), NightScourge (31), crazeejoker (29), Pencils (28), crazeemonk (28), Neonyo Itamaru Yakusta (27), budgie_86 (27), isildur (26), drowlord (26), runfar1987 (26), Ecniv Sllew (25) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
SpaceRat-Jim (113), Spider (65), Jadriel Evergreen (63), Mighty Fee (59), Fee (59), Clint Deadwood (53), Toby Rowe (51), mophbar (45), zzomm (43), Danest (42), mezihoth (40), Djinn Raffo (39), socrates (37), boramir1 (37), AnubisZA (37), Aesop (35), Shivax (30), Erein (29), Leilani Doriaz (28), Ironman126 (28), Assander (27), ozzyrules9999 (26), Rox MacDonald (26), Nicodareus (26) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
oldwiz (81), Alboy (63), Fili-Moraneah (61), Pangur Ban (54), Boogieb (54), robynvr (51), CLAN MCRAE (50), supersuze (49), Shin Yodama (45), Walks (44), Ybarra (41), Stripes55 (41), Envy (39), Belannaer (36), DollarBill (35), galois (32), Julemanden (29), nouse (29), mr_jay (28), Jake Ralph (28), imported_Drizzt_Do'urden (27), YouthInAsia (27), SpoooN... (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
Atalanta (71), maxwell (55), Featherstone (51), rattdoll (49), rellmert (48), IronchefMike (43), Terts (43), A'ahron (43), fenris ulf (40), squirreljester (39), Fredrico (39), Maidros (35), Glorfindel111 (33), metz (32), Libido (28), MakiTo (28), ragnarok15 (27), slaaneshchild (25), Daqstorm (25), apollo (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
Buddica (113), Minerva (67), Danelly (48), Flits3 (43), Greywethr (41), Legolas73 (40), Erasmus (39), CamDawg (39), Veramocore (39), shadowcaster (38), edge05 (38), Sylnathorn (37), Shaquado (35), Funkstar (35), T-D-C (33), LickableSamurai (32), jdub64 (32), Morakai (29), DeMolay (29), sexy_mage84 (29), TaSSaDaR (28), Suzie (26), Roberto (26), Reagent (25), MetalGrid (24), paulthesmith (22), Zaw (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
dmac (66), CursedShadow (65), Macon (62), Morguemaus (47), MorgyDaMaus (47), Lirath (46), adam warlock (43), ADF (41), franky1974 (39), Aballister (38), uglymonk (36), perlninja (34), Sigurd the Volsag (33), Card_Of_Dispare (31), Djin O'Candlekeep (30), tinter (30), Clarence Braveheart (28), Greenthumb (28), Oblivion437 (27), anthrax (27), Spikeous (26), Zacarath (25), steveum (25), udontcare (25), chi master (24), i luv kirsten dunst (24), Chi Maestro (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
norman (76), Halsey (63), robin2 (56), sagtattman (49), Greg Tilbrook (49), BILLYDEEJR (48), Frostbyte (47), TheRonster (46), squirrellb8 (46), squirrelb8 (46), Rod the God (44), LegallyBlonde (44), Zaknafien DoUrden (43), ellgieff (43), Chaucer (42), MEDIC 10-52 (41), klazykat (35), braith (34), Arwyn the Betrayer (33), Saaril (32), taihasani (30), Bidy (29) Birthdays
December 2013
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