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« Week | Week » October 2013
Add New Event Sunday
absolute- (57), Rubberducky (53), tater (46), demondawg (42), Warhammer (41), johnt (41), Donald (39), Yurisaris (38), MasTasTus (37), Himura Battousai (30), savache (29), Sunden (27), Enchanter777 (26), Shamda (25), Vrael (25) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
Lula (77), sissy (67), Greyswindyr (56), java007 (55), Thendar (54), Ghost of Perdition (51), bman55 (49), Seabeesrule65 (48), JustCruisen67 (46), Xpresso (45), --Twilight-- (44), tikigod (40), Skrewhead (40), lightbluelotus (38), Eric von Munchaussen (37), nigel (36), Kaelas (36), Pauliedaddy (36), Amedyr (35), myxlmynx (34), Laquis'Tier Moraal (34), rawen (33), Evenstar (32), Auto (31), Maeldun (29), DrakenKorin (28), The Offspring of Viconia and Edwin (27), Dark*Crystal (26), Sagramore (25), Elennariel (24), Lady*In*Red (22), spartan-a117 (21), mnobo (20) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
rodu (113), pweegar (55), Tefalgren (51), ilikeblackgirls (45), Sageling (44), Lord Draco (34), Neo_Raven (34), Draco4951 (34), rt (31), Synthetic_Division (31), Drake (30), skrugmeister (28), kensington (28), JoChn (27) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
DARKON (113), Bengay (78), Jonayla (52), Elandrin (47), Valas (45), The great (43), stonecold 70 (43), Mondrin (43), palidin1us (42), Twid (38), JasonDavid (35), piratejim (33), hathor (30), blade7777 (29), kamphlett (29), viomir (28), Dark Cobalt (27), mr_meme (27), yeahicanfly (27), dj_nos (27), Kuro Musha (26), Matina (26), Druid (26), ravenmaster (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
Starmaker (113), The_Apocolyps (54), Draco Frostbane (52), Kirin (51), thommo (50), Grondus (50), reseller (47), Jadame (45), Protamar (40), morgulhammer (40), Horxx (38), Marmot (38), Hank Parsons (38), syconaut (37), Kamion (35), Rosefield (34), Kine (34), Lord Kell (33), Zane the Zero (33), Lucy (32), Battle Brother Rob (31), Paleface (31), Lady Blade (31), Unknown Soldier (31), will_tnt (29), DarkestWarrior (28), TheForeverMage (28), Talthus (27), Krasse Krijger (27), AllbymeonesyX (27), Gwanyn (26), subrim (26), CryseForestGaurdian (25), AlecBaldwin (24), Tw1light (21), Evin (15), Gromnir (11) Birthdays
« Week | Week » November 2013
Add New Event Friday
12lettername (99), Brother Surefoot (53), viking9 (53), IMPaqman (52), Fifofum (51), Artik2 (48), Luminance (47), clem bladespinner (45), jojo casino (45), yasmin2000 (44), Evilfish (43), Mars (43), Slateman (43), KnightWhoSaysNi (40), karlosfunkster (39), Grayson (33), FroBoy (33), Beremith (32), Scoo Lightbringer (31), dennisk (30), Afflicted-D2 (29), Naru (28), Gaes (28), Luigi17 (27), Diami (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
Asphodel (69), cheyneboy (65), johnrxx99 (64), OneSpartan (60), Liquid Ice (57), Gundorac (47), LocklearLP (42), Marny (42), Jake Logan (41), Frode (41), Greek God (40), dyrer (40), Keidric (39), nethrin (39), wojoski (38), oldnorth (37), tsmpaul (37), mh307 (33), Malarac (33), Asgeir (32), ahcri (32), ArcadesSabboth (31), Volguuz RageWaar (29), lazygamer (29), FelixJaeger (26), ArekDaemonclaw (26), rubydragonwarrior99 (24), Archer Bowslinger (24), Safer Sephiroth (24), Rusty Shackleford (24), Boniface (24) Birthdays
October 2013
  S M T W T F S
> 29 30 1 2 3 4 5
> 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
> 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
> 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
> 27 28 29 30 31 1 2
November 2013
  S M T W T F S
> 27 28 29 30 31 1 2
> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
> 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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